I've decided to start having a featured shop each Friday for shoppers to hit up on the weekend!
Our shop of the week is Fresh Picked Fabric / Cranberry Quiltworks / Threaded Pear! There's a shop here in southern California that is to die for. Their fabric selection is amazing and gets new stuff in all the time!
The Cranberry Quiltworks part is that they have quilt machines you can rent and make a quilt right there in their store! It's a great idea and they have classes in order to get your "driver's license" to "drive" the machine.
Threaded Pear Patterns are the pattern company they own and sell in their store. There are sooooo many patterns from aprons to dresses to anything else you can think of!
It's such a quality shop and it seems like there's so much new stuff popping up every week! Gina is the owner and she's almost always there which makes the shop so much more personal.
Their address is 3810 Prospect Road, Yorba Linda, CA (it's sort of in between Tall Mouse and Calico House if you're in the area and visiting either of those stores...) Their website is www.cranberryquiltworks.com and they've just started a blog at freshpickedfabrics.blogspot.com
Go visit!
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