Monday, November 30, 2009

1:51 am

It happens once a week--I just can't sleep, and I begin to fantasize about all the gorgeous creations I'm going to sew as soon as I finish the orders I already have lurking in the baby's room, anticipating construction. Fabric flowers; burnt ribbon; anything that can be conjured float across my imagination until I just can't lie in bed anymore and have to get up to work on current orders so one day I can finally build ces créations de beauté that spark in my mind.

So, here we are, 1:51 in the morning, and I'm getting started on an order for a size 15 men's slipper. How lucky he is that I have the conscience to work on his first instead of the dark silver, Christmas party dress that is awaiting composition.

1 comment:

Brittany, Daman, and Sophie Munk said...

Would you like to be a vendor at my craft fair this jan.22-23 and again on the 29-30 from 11am-6pm? You can work all days, one day, or even a few hours its up to you. If you are interested call me at 208.346.0549 or e-mail thanks!